
Turbot Fish Parmos Tacos


For the Sauce: 


  1. In a medium frying pan heat over medium heat
  2. When pan is hot add 1/3 cup Parmesan creating a flat circle
  3. Cook 2-3 minutes, then gently flip with a spatula and cook an additional 20-30 seconds
  4. Place over a drinking glass lengthwise or something similar to mold it into a taco shell shape
  5. Let cool 2-3 minutes before removing from mold
  6. Repeat for each shell and set aside
  7. Heat oil in deep fryer to 425 degrees
  8. On a large plate add Flour, pinch of Salt, Pepper, Garlic Powder, Italian Seasoning and mix well
  9. Dip each piece of Turbot into the flour mixture evenly coating all sides of the fish
  10. Add fish to deep fryer and cook until golden brown 5-7 minutes or until fish is cooked all the way through
  11. Place cooked fish on a paper towel to drain excess grease
  12. In a small bowl mix together all the ingredients for the sauce (if it’s too thick add a bit of water)
  13. In each taco shell add Arugula, Tomatoes, Red Onion, Turbot, and top with sauce
  14. Serve immediately
  15. Buon Appetito!
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